Saturday, September 19, 2015


it arrived all unexpected
a startling surprise
a flash of recognition
when she looked into his eyes
in moment of connection
on a day now long ago
she found passion incandescent
and was warmed within its glow
but a fever is a warning
and a conflagration burns
until all that's left is embers
so every camper learns
you have to feed and bank it
to protect tomorrow's blaze
else striking flint and hoping
ends up filling all your days
better still a hearth to build
better yet to build a home
and within it house the fire
make it evermore your own
such advice she wasn't given
so the pyre flamed and flared
and she watched her love cremated
not bit of it was spared
then she sifted through the ashes
for the pieces of her heart
a bit of future kindling
for another fire's start
'til she found a tiny cinder
with a dull and muted spark
and she whispered to it softly
to shine brighter in the dark
shine brighter than a lantern
shine brighter than the sun
burn bright in perpetuity
until I find the one
who happily fuels my fire
and adds it to his own
so our love becomes a beacon
and a lighthouse thus our home

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