Friday, August 31, 2018


like coal
he would not break
but made a diamond
under duress
and like a diamond
complicated yet clear
though clearly flawed too
he was cut
in the shape of his time
reflecting back to some
to some he'd shine
bright as a star
however you saw him
we shall see his like
no more

Thursday, August 30, 2018


you don't even see
the misogyny
as you buttonhole me
as you mansplain the thing
that I said first
but you dismissed
my purse?
my pursed lips?
my lipsticks?
you say you'd say the same
regardless of my gender or name
but i see you interact
with respect and tact
with those who have
not a purse but a sack

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


do I want a Darcy?
taciturn and aloof
rarely showing proof
of affection through
his layered affectation,
always sending my thoughts
in the wrong direction,
but beneath it all -
the soul of discretion
and of temperament fine
once the line of acquaintance
is crossed? Am I Lizzie
or am I lost in another book?
am I an Emma by a Knightly forsook?
am I a Dashwood? a Morland? an Elliot?
am I a Fanny; timid, insipid, and delicate?
or am I Isabella? or worse, am I a Lydia
who's destined for penury, censure, chlamydia? 
am I too rash or too rude or too guilty
to score for myself a man like a Tilney?

Or perhaps I should stop
to ask what it's costing -
judging all men (and myself)
by the standards of Austen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


when the fog sets in
when the stars are dim
still I find my way
from my lodestar shining
with sextant and compass
I rechart my course by you
you've yet to steer me wrong

Monday, August 27, 2018


he performed
a million little actions
all of which would fall
under the rubric of love
but never said the words
a broker heart
she died thereof
than that she might
she didn't know for sure
if he loved or
if she just inferred

Sunday, August 26, 2018


the darkened street
at once puissant
and persuasive
nostalgia pervasive
as kisses remembered
after absence destructive
friendship constructed
from romance deducted
forgiveness belated
as streetlight flickers
like a flame deflated

Saturday, August 25, 2018


my heart will fall again 
I know
for a crooked smile
under a jaunty hat
a cardigan cloaked
arm will reach to me
and the dissipation of 
my dissolution will
drop like the leaves
and in seasons turn
so will I too

Friday, August 24, 2018


pots and pans
with wooden spoon
she's banging
the lids she'll smash
like cymbals
and smile
with those dimples
the marshal
of her own parade
this joyful creature
that you made

Thursday, August 23, 2018


requite gratefully
or refuse gently

given freely;
taken sometimes;
discarded often

obliges one to empathize
or it is but avarice

so varied and nuanced
recognizable more in absence

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


sunlit motes ballet
the day begins
and I begin, too
floating like dust
and like dust
I can choke or
sunlight sparkle
this moment's peace
before peace forgot
in the face of
a million little fires
set by mishap's matches
the exigent overwhelms
by day's end, heaven knows
so for just a moment more
I cherish this repose

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


those moments lasted hours
we would lay on our sides
i would float through the skies
of your cerulean eyes as a bird
riding thermals in lazy circles
and i never saw the hurricane