Friday, September 30, 2016


once separate
now intertwined
you made me yours
you made you mine
stray kitten
in a cardboard box
you found me
feral, wobegone and lost
but you saw
beyond my fleas
beyond the cost
one life gone
but 8 to go
all 8 yours
if you will it so

Thursday, September 29, 2016


            moonlit silhouettes dance
         shifting in the fog
      shadowy cabal
   conspiring against us all
 and you call out
                   instagram Cassandra
               snapchat Pythia
         facebook Nostradamus
                      and you warn
                raise the alarm
          but are disarmed
    thwarted by a button

           a big red button

but one that says


Wednesday, September 28, 2016


eagle dropping
from windy sky
and i crouch
sink into the snow
hope against hope
that tremors
of cold and fear
do not betray me
i weigh me
my chances
of outrunning claws
death from above
in iron-like jaws
vamoose or remain
talons approaching
wonder in vain
still my breath
as shadow passes
hear the squeak
and crunch ahead
sense of shame
in release of dread
that they, not i, are dead
before i shake
off the snowflakes
and fear
hop lazily away
as though the eagle
was never here

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


odd moments
of connect & disconnect
wires not quite touching
still sparking
coruscation arcing
through darkness
illuminating the familiar
dressing it in shadows peculiar
coat new lined in flashes
brilliant and bold
contrast of new to old
ragged cuffs of night
shoes scuffed by light
in the moment before
the filaments charge the air
the coat is gone
and you are there
whispered kisses
breaking through despair

Monday, September 26, 2016


my heart
a thoroughbred
thoroughly bred
to rush ahead
of my head
racing tantivy
through fields
of doubt
jumping hedges
as bystanders shout
watch out watch out
but heart gallops on
as I hang on 
looking beyond
to green pastures
on the horizon

Sunday, September 25, 2016


chaos like a cyclone
wall of sound and fury
marching inexorably towards me
in its path destruction

and After reconstruction
not one iota left
unchanged or rearranged
from Before estranged

Saturday, September 24, 2016


jumble sale cardboard boxes
filled with treasures and trash
scraps sewn together
in patterns that clash
velvet Elvises in gilded frames
painted over Picassos
dripping with bbq sauce stains
mother of pearl inlaid
in plywood toy chests
our worsts thoroughly
mixed with our bests
never quite able to reconcile
the mishmash myriad bits
stashed away for a rainy day
which came and stayed
so the fabric of us was made

Friday, September 23, 2016


those who say they know their worth
so oft over or under-estimate, approximate,
misjudge the thing that makes them wonderful
for weakness

and you whose mettle
time and temperament have proved
who justice sought, for rightness fought,
who does both what he must
as well as what he ought
you, poorest judge of all,
when deem yourself
too small to make a difference...

can't you see
the difference already wrought
for, by example, you have taught
the world
to better be
the world,
and in it, me

Thursday, September 22, 2016


dew settling on grass
beautiful but ephemeral
quantifiable as desirable
so I while expectation
humidly hangs in the air
palpable presentiment
of sweet sentiment
the presumption of elation
almost as delightful
as the eventual sensation
of anticipation's evaporation
after darkness, dawn's arrival
in the sunshine of a smile

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


sometimes I wish
I was the counseled
instead of consigliere
until the bullets fly
then happy I
my mattress for sleep
diurnal not eternal
and my just desserts
just dessert
I would always
rather take a cannoli
than a gun

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


face once familiar
grown nefarious
and dissimilar
crooked grin a row
of gaping gravestones
quizzical eyebrows
now arched evilly
eyes alight no more
with laughter but cackles
to raise my hackles
and I wonder
which visage is truer
the one I thought I knew
or the newer?

Monday, September 19, 2016


nightmare pastoral
in pastels painted
in eclogues deep
the forms keep
their counsel
mouths slathering
through their blathering
wolves in wool suits
shepherds not sheep
into gaping jaws
would that we were asleep

Sunday, September 18, 2016


decadently lazy
we loll about
lotus eaters on a
rainy Sunday afternoon
curled into each other
like cozy cats
and purr away the day
in softest murmur
languidly lounging

Saturday, September 17, 2016


unencumbered by sense
overwhelmed diffidence
but not the difference
between maybe and yes
nuance was lost
in a gadarene rush
to possess
and be possessed
by one worth less
than initially assessed
false face
false hope
false pretense
finally redressed 

Friday, September 16, 2016


a steamroller in Candy Land
a flamethrower in a match factory
a Sherman tank in a toy store
all this and more
cannot be deterred
you are flattened & melted & conquered
destroyed by the inferred
the hope incurred
no escaping the inexorable
no giving this juggernaut a miss
you are stuck in it's path
planted there by one single kiss

Thursday, September 15, 2016


i thought perhaps maybe...
so stupid now i see.
this flight of fancy
was always
going to crash.
too heavy with hope
to stay aloft long.
the ground
rushes up implacable.
life flashes
before my eyes
and i whisper my goodbyes
to the dreams about to die.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


urban oasis
patch of green
in the asphalt
park yourself there
to sit and repair
the fault line
cracks in composure
from exposure
to the frenzied pace
of the race in this maze
as you hare
from here to there
but for this
lunch hour bliss

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


category five
caught on the
hurricane gale
of fancy
I fly
around the world
and back again
propelled by distant
butterfly wings
my chaos
theoretical no more
until I put the kibosh
on my crazy
calm the tempest
in my teapot
before devastation
is wrought
with errant thought

Monday, September 12, 2016


the riposte my dispatch
my armor a flippant rejoinder
my pen not sword but poniard
and so wield my words with care 
and I parry and thrust precisely
ducking and darting
from the pikes and broadswords
hoping I'm fleeter of foot
than those who would cut me
with the long reach of their catty criticism

Sunday, September 11, 2016


to the ends of the earth
I would go
just a word from your lips
I would make it just so
no request is too small
I'd do anything at all
your myrmidon loyal I stand
my future, my fate
you hold in your hand
I would fight all the masses
I would kill if you asked it
whatever you wanted
I would not be daunted
your wishes are as my command

Saturday, September 10, 2016


wry smile and devolve
into the past
a prime development
row house of has
and feeling mays
and maybes
in the once
windows to the soul
unshuttered and doors ajar
we never know what might be
with one who loves us
as we are

Friday, September 9, 2016


I dream of you
in sylvan glade
the mists of mystery
and woodlands damp
your cloak
and there you stand
mighty oak
your words drip
like moss
and I bask in your shade
lean against your sturdy frame
and rest me in your coolness

Thursday, September 8, 2016


world tugs at us
hectors and harries
a bevy of business
and busy-ness
building up our days
up to us to find
ways to unwind
peace serene we choose
ours to win or lose
not what but how
we make ourselves
to be
life a mirror
reflecting back
what we make to see


move through life
stately and serene 
keen to keep
appearances up
nothing untoward 
or misbegotten 
nothing misplaced 
no niceties forgotten 
faked until maked 
with head held high
and smile wide
so cross the divide
from yesterday to tomorrow 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


and we reach for the heavens
chasing after a will-o'-the-wisp
whispering on the wind
we may
we might
we must
we fly but for a moment
as we leap and laugh
and land and fall
and find not stars
but fireflies
not what we thought
to catch
but no less lovely
for that

Monday, September 5, 2016


time in quick succession passes
seconds into years
love and learn to love again
despite our learned fears
hope found in the darkest days
light triumphs over grief
wisdom won through
getting up again against belief
that further falls await us
and that we can't rise once more
sagacious we grow greatest
when we let go despair before
we let it over take us
and we give the heart free rein
knowing love despite all heartbreaks
will never, ever, be in vain

Sunday, September 4, 2016


most golden character
sweetest and most true
still some would asperse
with comments to cut
them that know themselves
as less than
them confusing kindness
with weakness
them that convinced that
chopping down the tree
makes the bushes tall
and they may grow
in the space they make
but never to the lofty heights
of those they caused to fall

Saturday, September 3, 2016


from separate strands
songs combine
harmonies intertwined
all aligned
music of the highest
cosmic quodlibets
of stars spinning
nova in concert divine
with the light inside

Friday, September 2, 2016


how simple
a smile
a soft word
tiny kindnesses
to solve
a sadness
we have to
heal ourselves
and make our happy
but easier with
adjuvant help
to halt calamity
to aid our sanity
better all is
in amity

Thursday, September 1, 2016


drink deeply
your delicate bouquet
envelopes me completely
the taste of you
heady and rich
and sweet too
Joni could drink
a case of you
while I
could happily drown
in your ocean
oenophile, I
content myself
to savor every sip
every drip drip drip
for in your vino,
my veritas