Thursday, August 31, 2017


I find myself amazed and dazed
(not by the world spinning)
but by the grandly grandiose
who claim hyperbole so oft
that those not bamboozled
are beaten down and beggared by
the braggadocio of soi-disant saviors
who value shiny over shinola,
who whine and call it winning,
and the margin for error is thinning,
I fear, before we find that
the bull in the china shop is
too bankrupt to buy what he broke.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


coy anticipation
that measures time
just so...

no aeon
longer than
the interstice
between thumb's
tentative tap




as if to mock
the waiting
sojourn of seconds
stretching interminable
between now
and sent

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


nightmare continues
struggle against sheets
that writhe like snakes
constrain and constrict
as terrors coalesce
into consensus
and rise up in waves
to wash away
the world we made
the waters break
and recede, so see
the garish face
was not a mask
but gaping clown
giving chase
and eyes opening
cannot erase
the sense of horror
at metaphor's grace

Monday, August 28, 2017


outside the window the bird begins her chirping
chest puffed with pride, loud emissary of the dawn
inside the cat begins her morning machinations
I stir to the sound of last night's leavings
keys and earrings from nightstand to floor
as my feline alarm clock rings out the time
half an hour before the ding of an actual chime
groggy and half lidded I rise and shoe the cat
out the door...if I feed her now
she'll only want more and earlier tomorrow, too
so door shut I crawl back in to bed
and will myself to sleep one tiny bit longer
before the light grows stronger
and the mewling louder, louder, louder...
as if she doesn't know she'll be fed before I shower

Sunday, August 27, 2017


doll yourself up
in accoutrement for war
lipstick, blush
add a little more
hair let loose
inhibitions let fly
cleavage revealed
and heels rather high
a drink for courage
a second to steady
you wait at the bar
deep breath
and you're ready

Saturday, August 26, 2017


on pitter pat paws
they crept in like
the proverbial fog
so soft and sweet
you never heard
the tread of feet
or snick and click
of lock and pick
as if a trick
this crew of one
or maybe two
will burgle you
so surreptitiously
that were it your heart
they stole
until deed
long past done
you never knew

Friday, August 25, 2017


Less subtle than a frigate bird
with throat inflated,
he warbles pick-up lines
and imagines himself
the hero of a tale picaresque.
A charming Casanova
instead of degenerate inebriate;
aging Lothario full of
all the bluster he can muster
as he tomcats around
to stop his weeping sighs.
Seeking comfort in quantity -
revenge against a ghost of a girl
who pays his antics no mind,
as he has paid no mind
to those he left behind.
Now, reaping what he's sown
by inflicting pain to hide his own,
the broken man goes home alone.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


some days are hard so there's whine
and there's wine and I would opine
that friends with whom to former
while drinking the latter make sweeter
the grapes that were grown on the vine
in ways that words could never define
as we air all our woes about
dating a swine or wanting to resign
as blame we assign or we stiffen our spine
in this way, our friendship is tied up with twine
yes, a glass and friend.... the pairing is truly divine

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


the bill that came in the mail today
quickly took all my savings away
just one doctor's visit all it took
my well being lost, my faith quite shook
not even for a specialist's care
general practitioner in a clinic here
the charge of thousands quite unfair
for an ekg and removal of wax from ear
robbed and ruined without a choice
screaming mad without a voice
the system's broke and no denying
eighteen hundred dollars
for one new patient visit
is flagrant theft and it's left me crying

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


keeping up
nobby facade
hides decay within
the rotten walls
the empty halls
mold, mildew,
worms and vermin
the only life
this house now hosts
except for ghosts

Monday, August 21, 2017


in cups
he sinks into
the hebetude of
the drunken one inert
and stares into nothingness
as a heavy load upon him
and mutters injustice
ignoring the fact
that he made
the weight

Sunday, August 20, 2017


a world gone
in a fit of pique
that you would
say such things
and depredate
all that came before
and still would
try for more
and make it all
about yourself
apologize without
repentance assured in
forgiveness unearned
claiming wisdom
but it's me who learned

Saturday, August 19, 2017


relentless gray
across the sky
the sun has hid
her fulsome face
and I likewise
indulge in grace
of cloud blanket comfort
to rest my weary soul abed
alleviate week's worries
in a pillow and a cat asleep
upon my inert legs
to wake refreshed
for coming days
to battle on
in sunshine rays
of hope and cheer
of light to come
of better days
when this day done

Friday, August 18, 2017


an oxymoron
a figment
the phantom of
a wild and willowy waif
lost yet self possessed
who requires rescue
but will save you
in return
meek yet mighty
and what defense
have I against
such nonsense
but to carry on
the pretense
of the manic
pixie dream
to seem
to be the thing
else alone remain

Thursday, August 17, 2017


whatever small sense of peace
cultivated by the conviction
that the world is not dictated
by the basest of our bunch
destroyed by the crunching
sound of the rage monster rising
and munching on the bones of our best
jaws agape to engulf the rest
and we protest but the claws
rend that notion into pieces
and we're exhausted trying to oppugn
the remorseless beast that would feast on us
yet still we must not cease to fight
against the "alt" to defend what is right

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


knocked back aghast
we perform our tasks in manner perfunctory
awaiting ascendancy or armageddon
we flip and fly, aloft in the sky
as the clock winds down
and the clowns
honk their horns and o'ertake the circus
set loose the animals from their cages
destroying with seltzer and paint the stages
so we watch a carnage commence
commanded by sense to stay above it
but there is no escape
from the roars or trumpets
and we'll swing in the breeze
by noose or trapeze

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


some days
I want to run
pack a bag
hop a train
flee and fly
with a wish
and a will
just go away
a lamster ducking
the doldrums
of the every day
the tedium of
the expected
and in so doing
reinvent myself

Monday, August 14, 2017


Love the heart bifurcates,
each room halved
then halved again.
So four chambers made
and within reside Love's seasons.
Spring's anticipation
green and greedy
to grow into
hunger's declaration of
Summer's languid passion;
sticky and sweet,
dripping in the heat
until Autumn mellows
and makes harvest
or awaits Love's fall from grace
that ripe but unreaped may rot...
forgetful but not forgot
by Winter - that crisp and steadfast
sparkles implacable as diamond,
frozen and frigid until the thaw. 
That Spring may come again.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


lonely she stalks
the maze of statuary
fingers caressing
the faces of stone
her vermicular hair
writhing like ringlets
dancing in wind
she walks ever alone

Saturday, August 12, 2017


love's indulgence
temptation to temporize
master builder 
of aerial architecture 
whole cities 
rendered from hope
and anticipation 

Friday, August 11, 2017


cranky toddlers
in temper tantrum tempo
trying to outscream the other
as they smash the lincoln log
lego lands on which we live
our weeble-wobble lives
they'd make a pandemonium
of the playpen with no care
no one taught them how to love
no one taught them how to share

Thursday, August 10, 2017


the thing she noticed first was his feet
or more precisely, brightly patterned socks
knit with whimsical guitars;
and when their eyes did meet
across a crowded car of subway strangers
through sacks and satchels
with élan his face alit.
and she thought "maybe, this is it."
and when he rose at her same stop
her stomach did a little flop.
he followed her right up the stairs
as if they made a smiling pair
but then he turned,
the other stairwell toward...
another train for him to board.
oh, her little love had found its end.
her little story told to fend off
the particular loneliness only found
in the city, where anonymity
made by the thronging crowd
vibrant, brash, and loud
both empowers or belittles
based on as little as a mood
in which to revel or to brood.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


for all the fine words
I've ever writ
my mouth
full of marbles
when I open it
to garble out
my sentiment
and I may
sound like a twit
the words
twist and buckle
like metal under strain
my meaning melts
like sugar in the rain
and you'll never
fully understand
my love
or my pain

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


gratitude for small kindnesses bestowed
grows like a dry sponge held under the tap
until my heart swells to bursting
and overflows through my eyes
in tears not of sadness
but in gramercy and grace
with a little melancholy mixt
for the time and the place
whisper "what if"
a midnight kiss unanswered
for fear it was given
in somnolent confusion
and that its return
would be an intrusion
or considered the product
of a wanton delusion
mind confounded compounded
with compassion
conferring such emotion
immense and overwhelming
abundance marking
in stark contrast all that preceded

Monday, August 7, 2017


some days
filled with delays
or painted in myriad greys
when you long for the peace of a simple malaise
when anger and frustration and heartbreak leave you in a daze
all you can think
as you long for a drink
is this in an endless refrain:
I hope someone I wronged or annoyed
is experiencing schadenfreude
so at least there's some joy from my pain

Sunday, August 6, 2017


nightmares into waking hours seep
the heavens painted in blood and black
against my better judgement I leap
into the cthonic, ink stained day
pools of broken sky at my feet
and the patter on my fabric shelter
belts a steady beat at pace 
with breaking heart and 
breaking heat to cool
the sticky stifle of a rancid day

Saturday, August 5, 2017


try to enjoy the thing
for what it is 
and not regret the things 
it's not 
a monkey wrench 
in my regimen 
revealing the spaces
yet to be fixed
but not the tool
required to repair 

Friday, August 4, 2017


turn back the clock 
they say as if that's a good thing 
deriding progress as deviant 
disregarding evolution 
in the foment of revolution 
as if we all could be put back 
in the boxes they have made
they do not recognize 
that they make the world a cage
and by their small minds
both enslaving and enslaved
they denigrate those of us
who do not fit
and silence those who would 
the rest of us manumit 

Thursday, August 3, 2017


false frontage in odd reverse
using folksy fanfare to fan the fears
of those living in arrears
wolfing down the common food
(off plates of gold) still it's construed
that of people, by the people made
this inevitable embodiment of a time?
a splenetic red-faced raver
spitting out bile by the sound bite
140 characters to show his true character
petulant and privileged and presiding above
pretending it's the common man that he loves
while denigrating The People's House
and calling it a "dump"
making of that common man a chump
and that rhymes with...
and that rhymes with..
yes, that rhymes with...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


embrace the chaos
dance in the rain
for the vagaries of fate
so oft seem arbitrary
don't dither over this or that
or fret about the scenic path
when still it's the thing
you never thought
that makes the net
in which you're caught
we cannot plan for disarray
and therein lies our dismay
let go the compulsion
to discover correlation
or causation and accept
that joy never really
has an explanation
just revel in the sensation

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


at the end of things
she learned
how little it took
not even a word
just a look
and the diminution
of her esteem began
in the dissolution
from an "us" to a "they"
and she begins again
reminding herself
Rome wasn't built in a day