Wednesday, February 7, 2018


city life in pendulum swing from exhilarating to frustrating
a day begun with metric tonne of flesh against in subway pressed
a backpack poking in your face, a smile simply out of place
someone leaning on the pole...the grumpy morning rigmarole
yet lest I carp on matters trivial and set my mood from such
the city also so convivial & in it there is much to heap one's praise upon
the history, the art, the music, the food, the people kind as well as rude
the mass transit (though oft vexatious) runs all night and is efficacious
for getting one from here to there in somewhat timely fashion
and the metropolis gives those elsewhere dismissed
the chance to pursue their passion, so surly sometime I may be
but always should remember that for all its faults and all of mine
as home for nigh on twenty years, there was really no other contender

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